From my heart to yours, insight into the heart chakra.
Anahata is our heart center, where we cultivate self-love and radiate love to others.
From our hearts, we generate unconditional love, compassion, and pure joy.
Our heart is the source of deep truth. The most honest mirror of ourselves. It allows us to see the beauty around us, see the truth in its entirety, and be one with the natural world.
When our heart is in alignment, prana, life force energy or 'qi' travels freely throughout our being and uplifts our soul. We feel deeply connected to the world around us, and we are open to all experiences in life. We can flow through challenges with ease, and jump with joy!
Guided by the element Air, flowing freely within us and around us, we can receive love openly, and gift love freely.
When our hearts feel broken or torn in a conflict in various directions, we encounter negative emotions, stress, and anxiety. These feelings prevent qi from flowing freely through the heart center and leave us emotionally unwell.

Your heart knows the way. Run in that direction. ~Rumi
The great thing is that there are many things we can do, to open our hearts to love and discover our truth.
Gratitude Journalling
A way to explore all the things or people that positively impact your health and well-being. Pausing to remind yourself of all these things creates gratitude and fills your heart with happiness.
Start simple by acknowledging 3 things you are grateful for today...
Positive Affirmations
A short phrase or mantra that promotes feelings of positive thinking, self-belief, and self-confidence. Create a positive affirmation that reminds you to think and feel like the amazing person you are!
Some examples are; I am loved, I am grateful for my strength of mind and healthy body.
Sip on a warm beverage
Rose is a beautiful herb that benefits the mind, body, and spirit. Physically it supports the nervous system by relaxing the muscles and mind, promoting feelings of ease, and relieving stress, anxiety, and grief. Spiritually, Rose helps us set boundaries, creating a safe space for you to open your heart and connect with your truth. If herbal tea isn't your jam, try wearing Rose essential oil as a perfume instead.
If chocolate is more your flavour, try brewing a warm cacao. Cacao is high in magnesium which relaxes our body, and contains theobromine, which significantly increases blood flow, leading people to experience a 'heart opening' feeling after drinking cacao. It creates a heightened sense of love, joy, and a greater connection to other people.
Yoga & Meditation Practice
Yoga opens our bodies and minds in so many ways.
Try this yoga sequence below, beginning in a cross-legged seat, hands at your heart center in anjali mudra for 6-8 breaths, then moving through each posture at the best pace for your body.
Downward facing dog - adho mukha svanasana
Low lunge - anjaneyasana
High cresent lunge with hands interlaced behind your back - ashta chandrasana
Downward facing dog - adho mukha svanasana
Side plank
Wild thing - camatkarasana
Upward facing dog - urdhva mukha svanasana
Childs pose - balasana
Camel - ustrasana
Bridge pose - setu bandha sarangasana
Reclined Bound angle - supta baddha konasana
Settle into savasana or return to a cross-legged seat for meditation. Focus on the bija mantra, for the heart which is YAM. Chant this sound out loud or silently to yourself. Sense the vibration of the sound all around the heart center for as long as feels good for you.
Find your truth with your heart.