A space to share my thoughts and reflections...
On yoga, wellbeing, nutrition and the wonders of this world
Hello there!
My name is Meg, and this space is a collection of my thoughts and reflections about many things which are important to me.
I am a Health, Physical and Outdoor Education teacher by day, lover and teacher of yoga by night, advocate for health, wellbeing, sustainability and fun!
I hold a Bachelor of Science, majoring in Sport Science, Exercise and Health, a Graduate Diploma in Education, more than 500 hours Yoga Teacher Training in Vinyasa, Yin, Arm Balances, Qui Gong and Accupressure.
I am passionate about encourgaing people to live their best life, by being as healthy and well as possible. I have learned so many valuable lessons in my relatively short life, and simply want to be able to share these with you.
In 2024, I intend to share with you about the 5 yamas, healthy practices surrounding nutrition, self-care, yoga practice, strengthening your beliefs and values and my love of the natural world.

Lokah Samastah Sukinho Bhavantu ~ May all beings everywhere be happy and free!
I hope you feel intrigued by my musings about yoga and living well, and feel inspired to adjust your way of life.
Follow me on socials to see when my next post will be released @momentom_yoga_by_meg